
KOLOSSAL - Graphics in large formats

DKK 349.00

Co published with Kastrupgårdsamlingen - DK

In the project description, the working title of the catalog, was Large Formats. The reason for eventually calling the exhibition KOLOSSAL – Graphics in Large Formats must be found in the original, Greek meaning of the word, kolossos, which means giant or giant construction. The word is often used to indicate that something is in a size out of the ordinary, but not necessarily inherently abnormal or gigantic just for the sake of being large. As Louise Banke Kristensen demonstrates in the text, numerous choices lie behind the scaling of the artworks. Therefore, the word KOLOSSAL appropriately embraces both our motivation for creating the exhibition, and also the background for our curatorial choices. These choices are first and foremost to show the breadth and the diversity within large graphic artworks, but definitely also to underscore the status of graphics as an art form.
Preferably emphatically!


Text by Louise Banke Kristensen

Preface by Mette Sandhoff Mansa

Cover art by John Kørner

Translation by Helle Raheem

Book design by Nicolai Bejder Studio

Hardcover halfbind

24,5 x 32,5 cm

124 pages

1st edition

ISBN: 9788797449738

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